Empowered Living Services
The social services arm of PIK2AR. Our Empowered Living Services (ELS) program provides culturally relevant, 24/7, no-barriers, direct services, in-language as needed. ELS utilizes our trained Community Health Workers and Case Managers coupled with Peer Support Groups and G.O.G.I. Community Power Up classes. ELS offers wrap-around Case Management services and education with a special focus on Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities.
A community health worker as defined by Utah Public Health Association is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.
A community health worker also builds individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support and advocacy.
Contact our CHWs at chw@pik2ar.org
We have 3 current Peer Support Groups. These groups are facilitated by and driven by the groups that they serve and those are: Women’s EmpowHERment (Women 18 and older), Ladies EmpowHERment (High school aged young women), and K.A.V.A. Talks (Men of all ages).
These are safe and brave spaces for these groups to gather and discuss the issues that are relevant to them, establish relationships with their peers, and find the additional resources or aid they may need.
For more information to to speak at any of these groups contact Jackie Molifua at Jackie@pik2ar.org
Getting Out by Going In or G.O.G.I. empowers the individual with the GOGI Life Tools for making positive decisions and creating a life of purpose and meaning through sustained behavioral and perspective changes.
For more information or any questions on GOGI contact Susi Feltch-Malohifo’ou at Susi@pik2ar.org
We have a list of current available resources below, but if you are seeking additional help or you require aid in a specific area or situation that may not be listed, please fill out our PIK2AR Assistance Request Form fully and to the best of your ability. Note: We are currently not accepting new clients for Case Managing
All correspondence between our staff and the community are confidential.
You can feel secure in knowing we prioritize your right to privacy and safety as we help you obtain the resources you deserve.
Free, Weekly Utah Food Resources Lists
Our Food Resource List has been compiled and checked by our staff that includes a number of free food pantries, banks, and organizations who distribute food on a weekly basis.
We have a Food Resource List for Salt Lake County. If you have a resource to add to the list please contact us at info@pik2ar.org.
We routinely do a check to ensure this list is current but we also recommend calling locations to confirm days and times of operation. Click links for pdf of these lists.
Free Breast & Cervical Cancer Screenings
Our Empowered Living Services program is working with the Department of Health and Human Services to get our community members access to cost free Breast & Cervical Cancer screenings as part of the Utah Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program.
We especially encourage our Pacific Islander women and those from underserved communities to take advantage of this opportunity. Based on family income, you may qualify for a free screening.
This program is not only interested in prevention but also discovering and addressing the gaps in information and resources for community members in need.
To check eligibility or for additional questions contact our ELS Director Lulu Latu-Wolfgramm at Lulu@pik2ar.org to start the process